Sage Intacct is Top Rated on TrustRadius for the 7th Consecutive Year!
25 June 2024 All news

Discover why Sage Intacct has been honoured as a Top-Rated product on TrustRadius for the seventh consecutive year! Explore its innovative features and key benefits like scalability and real-time visibility, and see how it drives financial success for businesses worldwide.

Sage Intacct has been honoured as a Top Rated product on TrustRadius for the seventh consecutive year! This prestigious accolade is a testament to Sage Intacct's exceptional capabilities in financial management software. TrustRadius is renowned for its transparent, detailed, and unbiased reviews, making this recognition particularly meaningful.

Sage Intacct's consistent recognition as a Top Rated solution reflects the satisfaction and trust of its extensive user base. This achievement underscores the platform’s effectiveness in delivering innovative financial management solutions that cater to the evolving needs of businesses worldwide.

What is TrustRadius?

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TrustRadius is a leading platform for business technology and software reviews, trusted by millions of professionals to make informed purchasing decisions. Founded in 2012, TrustRadius aims to provide detailed and authentic reviews from real users, helping businesses evaluate and choose the right software solutions.

How TrustRadius works

TrustRadius gathers user reviews that are both comprehensive and verified. Each review undergoes a rigorous verification process to ensure its authenticity. This means that when you read a review on TrustRadius, you can be confident that it reflects a genuine user's experience. The platform encourages users to provide detailed feedback, including pros and cons, specific use cases, and overall satisfaction.

Why are TrustRadius ratings significant?

TrustRadius ratings are highly valued because they are based on detailed feedback from actual users who have hands-on experience with the software. These reviews offer insights into the real-world performance and usability of products, making them an invaluable resource for businesses looking to invest in new technology. The TrustRadius Top Rated awards are based solely on user feedback, adding an extra layer of credibility and trustworthiness to the recognition.

What Makes Sage Intacct Stand Out?

Sage Intacct logoSage Intacct has consistently set the benchmark for innovation in financial management. It empowers businesses with tools to streamline their financial operations and gain critical insights through real-time data. This Top Rated award from TrustRadius reflects the trust and satisfaction of thousands of users who rely on Sage Intacct to drive their financial success.

TrustRadius's Top Rated awards are based entirely on customer feedback, reflecting genuine user experiences. Sage Intacct's high rating underscores the platform’s effectiveness in meeting the complex needs of its diverse clientele. Users have praised its robust feature set, ease of use, and scalability, which are crucial for businesses seeking to optimise their financial processes.

Major Benefits of Sage Intacct

Man smiling as he enjoys the many benefits of the Sage Intacct systemSage Intacct stands out for its innovative features and the tangible benefits it provides to businesses. From scalability to real-time visibility, the platform is designed to meet the diverse needs of modern organisations. Here are some of the key benefits that make Sage Intacct a top choice for financial management.


Sage Intacct is designed to grow with your business. Whether you're a small start-up or a large enterprise, Sage Intacct scales to meet your needs, ensuring that your financial management system remains aligned with your business growth. Its flexible modules allow you to add functionalities as your requirements evolve, making it a future-proof investment.

Real-Time Visibility

With Sage Intacct, businesses gain unparalleled real-time visibility into their financial performance. The platform provides comprehensive dashboards and reporting tools that offer instant insights into key financial metrics. This capability allows decision-makers to act swiftly and strategically, supported by up-to-the-minute data.

Automation of Core Financial Processes

Sage Intacct automates essential financial operations, reducing manual effort and minimising errors. From accounts payable and receivable to expense management and revenue recognition, automation streamlines workflows, enhances accuracy, and frees up your team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Integration Capabilities

Sage Intacct integrates seamlessly with a wide range of other business applications, creating a cohesive ecosystem. Whether it's CRM, payroll, or e-commerce platforms, Sage Intacct’s robust API and pre-built integrations ensure smooth data flow across your business systems, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Robust Compliance and Security

Security and compliance are at the forefront of Sage Intacct's offerings. The platform adheres to stringent standards, ensuring your financial data is protected against threats and compliant with regulatory requirements. This commitment provides peace of mind and protects your business from potential risks.

User-Friendly Interface

Sage Intacct's intuitive interface makes it easy for users at all levels to navigate and operate the system. Its user-centric design focuses on delivering a seamless experience, reducing the learning curve, and enhancing user adoption across your organisation.

TrustRadius Customer Testimonials

Hand touching a graphic highlighting good customer reviews

“Prior to installing Sage Intacct, we used QuickBooks. This presented problems in terms of being able to look at the company from different perspectives. Now, with Sage Intacct, we can see financial information in various dimensions and obtain information that previously required exporting data and manipulating spreadsheets.”

— Cristino Arocho

“Sage Intacct is one of the best and most reliable software for accounting. Since I started using it, it has brought a very huge impact on our company since it allows us to manage our business workflow with ease. It is convenient with resource management, time tracking, and project management.”

— Roselyn Atieno

“We use Sage Intacct at the heart of our operation. All sales are done using Intacct. We also use it for stock availability. This makes Quoting/Invoicing very easy as we do not need to rely on our warehouse for constant stock counts of individual line items. Further than these features we can also use Intacct for internal messaging which is very valuable when our logistics department has loaded new shipments into the system which the sales team can then begin selling.”

— Sebastian Amos

Continuous Improvement and Innovation in Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct is not just a static solution; it’s continually evolving. Regular updates and new features are rolled out to meet the changing needs of businesses and to keep pace with technological advancements. The platform’s commitment to innovation ensures that users always have access to the latest tools and capabilities to stay ahead of their competition.

The development team at Sage Intacct actively listens to user feedback, incorporating suggestions and addressing concerns to enhance the user experience. This responsive approach means that the software is constantly being refined and improved based on real user input, ensuring it remains a top choice for financial management.

Additionally, Sage Intacct boasts a vibrant user community and a robust support system. Users can tap into a wealth of resources, including training materials, user forums, and customer support, ensuring they can maximise the value they derive from the platform. The community aspect fosters a collaborative environment where users can share best practices, troubleshoot issues, and learn from each other’s experiences.

The commitment to continuous improvement and innovation is a key factor in why Sage Intacct has maintained its position as a Top Rated product on TrustRadius for seven consecutive years. By staying at the forefront of technology and consistently enhancing its offerings, Sage Intacct ensures that its users have the tools they need to drive their business forward.

Final Thoughts

Sage Intacct being recognised as a Top Rated product on TrustRadius for seven consecutive years is a proud achievement for Sage. This accolade highlights the platform’s consistent excellence and the trust it has garnered from its user community. Sage Intacct’s innovative features, robust benefits and commitment to continuous improvement make it a standout choice for businesses seeking a reliable and effective financial management solution.

At Accord, we are dedicated to helping businesses harness the power of Sage Intacct to streamline their financial operations and drive growth. Our expertise in implementing and optimising tailored Sage Intacct solutions ensures that you get the most out of this top-rated solution.

Explore Sage Intacct today and discover why it’s a Top Rated choice for financial management with a personalised tour:

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